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Photo List Exposition shows history and influence of Shanghai animation films

Beijing, August 26 (Youth.cn) - Photo taken in Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum on August 25th. "Animate the world - the history and influence of Shanghai animation films" is being held there.
Systematically interpreting development history of Shanghai animation films, the exposition shows unique creation system of Shanghai animation films and overall demonstrates their influence and shaping on social culture and contemporary culture. The exposition order is from the "front stage" to the "behind the scenes", with 5 demonstration units, respectively "preface", "trip of animation", "respect to the classical pieces", "medium exploration" and "effect in modern times". Over 1500 pieces of exhibits, including papers, models and videos, present the creation courses of Shanghai classical animation films, such as "Havoc in Heaven", "Nezha Conquers the Dragon King", "Legend of Sealed Book", "Black Cat Detective", "The Monkey King Conquers the Demon" and "Calabash Brothers", interpreting thoroughly the aesthetics core of creation system of Shanghai animation films. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-08-26 17:04:00

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