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Photo List Grapes in greenhouse have been harvested

Beijing, July 22 (Youth.cn) - Photo taken in a high-quality grape planting base in Boxing County in Shandong Province on July 21st. Planters were getting ripe grapes in greenhouses. On the upcoming Great Heat solar term, the 100-mu greenhouse grapes have grown. Actively developing greenhouse agriculture, the local authority guided planters to engage in "cooperatives + leading enterprises + planting bases + planters" industrial model. Boxing County has over 12 thousand standard planting bases with total planting area of 17.4 thousand mu. The development of equipment vegetables and equipment fruits is a part of equipment agricultural industry of the county. It increases effectively planters' incomes, agricultural revenues while accelerating rural revitalization. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-07-22 15:47:00

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