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Photo List Enjoy fun of picking fruits in the 40-mu pear orchard

Beijing, July 8 (Youth.cn) - Photo taken on July 6th in Pengfang village in Jiangxi Province. People were picking jade-like pears there. These days, with harvest of pears, tourists came to the orchard to enjoy fun of picking fruits. Yuanzhou district, where the orchard locates, optimizes industrial structure and encourages planters to grow fruits, vegetables, herb medicines and under-tree farming that adapt well with local conditions. Meanwhile, local authority integrates fruit-picking activities to rural tourism to realize sustainable development that prospers industry as well as ecology and benefits simultaneously tourists and local people. As a result, it boosts planters’ incomes while realizing rural revitalization. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-07-08 17:29:00

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