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Photo List “Millennium porcelain town” inherits its kiln skills

Beijing, July 3 (Youth.cn) - Walls and roofs made of abandoned kiln wares can be seen every where in Nanhengkou Village, Jingxing County. Alternate name “millennium porcelain town”, Nanhengkou Village is one of the principal kiln sites from Sui and Tang dynasty, at which period porcelain industry developed fast. Nanhengkou Village was listed into the 4th batch of Chinese traditional villages list. These years, local authority engages in ancient kiln site protection and promotion, actively supports development of modern porcelain industry. Local porcelain artisans constantly carrying forward traditional skills by innovating in the process of inheriting. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-07-03 16:48:00

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