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Photo List Earthen Towers of the Hakkas are built beside water and mountain

Beijing, May 23 (Youth.cn) - Photo taken on May 22nd in Longyan, Fujian province. Earthen Towers of the Hakkas are built beside water and mountain. As world cultural heritage, Earthen Towers of the Hakkas are one of the most well-known cultural cards of Fujian province. In Yongding district of Longyan city, home for Earthen Tower, over 23000 Earthen Towers were built, among which over 5000 Earthen Towers have three floors and over 360 Earthen Towers are round towers. Unique architecture style and rich historical cultural connotations are reasons for their tourism popularity. Until now, many local people are still living in Earthen Towers, tourists have chances to know about their life. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-05-23 13:31:00

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