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Photo List 1658 new vegetable species were shown on an international fair

Beijing, May 21 (Youth.cn) - China (Guangxi)-ASEAN vegetable exposition started on May 20th in a vegetable base in Nanning, Guangxi province. With purpose of introduce new vegetable species to enrich food choices, 1658 new vegetable species from 123 institutions or companies were shown on this fair. The exposition will last until June 10th. First held in 2017, the China (Guangxi)-ASEAN vegetable exposition has been held for 7 consecutive sessions with 7734 vegetable species exhibited. This exposition is the largest exposition of South-west region in China in terms of exhibition area, vegetable species and participation. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-05-21 14:44:00

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