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Photo List Central Asia Park creates a window for cultural exchange

Beijing, May 20 (Youth.cn) - On May 19th, Central Asia Park officially opened its doors in Xi'an, aiming to establish a new platform for trade and cultural exchanges between China and the five Central Asian countries. The park is designed to be a hub that integrates Silk Road hospitality, Central Asian cuisine, cultural exchange, business negotiations, tourism promotion, and commodity sales. 

According to the introduction, Central Asia Park is designed with the principles of "green, open, inclusive, innovative, and economical" in mind, incorporating elements of Central Asian culture and modern landscaping techniques. The park features various functional areas including landscaped gardens, a Silk Road reception hall, and dining outlets specializing in Central Asian cuisine, covering an area of approximately 800 acres. Photo/ VCG 

Editor:Li Yuanyuan Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-05-20 15:21:00

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