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Photo List Smart mushroom houses cultivated "prosperity fungi"

Beijing, May 16 (Youth.cn) - On May 15th, 2024, in Lishui, Zhejiang Province, Shuangyi Smart Mushroom House, a large-scale industrialized edible mushroom cultivation base, was operating at full capacity. Frames of delicate and mature deer antler mushrooms were being harvested and delivered to the market. 

The smart mushroom houses precisely controlled temperature and humidity, with neatly arranged frames of fungal cultures in nutrient bottles on lifts, allowing for easy and convenient access, maximizing space utilization. The edible mushrooms, known for their delicious taste, are favored by the market and yield a stable and considerable economic benefit. Photo/ VCG

Editor:Li Yuanyuan Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-05-16 14:34:00

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