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Xi's visit to solidify robust ties

Time:2024-05-06 13:56:00 Source: CHINA DAILY China Youth International

President Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan, wave after arriving at Paris Orly Airport in France on Sunday. MICHEL EULER/REUTERS

President Xi Jinping arrived in Paris on Sunday in a significant diplomatic move to strengthen relations with China's key European partners, a trip widely expected to reaffirm and solidify robust ties while better managing differences.

Xi and his wife, Peng Liyuan, were greeted by French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal upon their arrival at Paris Orly Airport, in a ceremony that included a guard of honor and a red carpet. The landmark visit, Xi's third after those in 2014 and 2019, came as the two nations celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year.

In written remarks delivered at the airport, Xi noted that ties between China and France have always stood at the forefront of China's diplomatic relations with Western countries, and he hailed the two sides' setting an example for peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation between countries of different social systems.

He emphasized that he hopes the visit can present an opportunity for both nations to consolidate their traditional friendship, build up political mutual trust, forge strategic consensuses and deepen exchanges and cooperation across various sectors.

The two nations should "light up the path ahead with the torch of history, work toward an even better future of China-France relations, and make new contributions to global peace, stability and development", he said.

Original Title:Xi's visit to solidify robust ties
Editor:Li Yuanyuan
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