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Classic Confucius book symbolizes cultural exchange between China and France

Time:2024-05-05 19:27:00 Source: People's Daily Online China Youth International

At the invitation of President Emmanuel Macron, Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to France.

During Xi's state visit to France five years ago, Macron presented him with a copy of the original French version of [u1] "Confucius, or the Science of the Princes." Macron mentioned that Confucianism had inspired French thinkers such as Voltaire and profoundly influenced the French Enlightenment.

The book encapsulates the brilliance of Confucian ideas, transcending time and space. It serves as a testament to the story of mutual appreciation and learning between China and France, two significant representatives of Eastern and Western civilizations.

As exchange visits increase, so does affinity. President Xi's upcoming visit to France is expected to open a new chapter in China-France relations and inject new momentum into exchanges and mutual learning between the two civilizations.

Original Title:Classic Confucius book symbolizes cultural exchange between China and France
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