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Photo List Art works of 35 artists from multiple age groups were exhibited in Beijing

Beijing, April 9 (Youth.cn) - Art works of 35 artists from multiple age groups were exhibited in National Art Museum of China. With the name of “Coherence and pluralism - New forms of contemporary painting art”, the art works were divided roughly into 3 categories, which also means 3 art periods. Artists of 1970s to 1980s generations combined art language with China’s social realities, while artists from 2000s generation integrated some foreign elements into local elements. As for youngest artists from 2010s generation, they expressed social changes while showing their own thoughts in their works. The existence of all kinds of art works explained properly the pluralism of art ecological system. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-04-09 11:17:00

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