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Photo List Tidal flat photovoltaic power station supports "dual carbon" goals


Beijing, April 3 (Youth.cn) - On April 3rd, 2024, in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, within the premises of Wanbang Yongyue Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. located in Putuo District, a tidal flat photovoltaic power station was operational.

According to estimates, this photovoltaic project has a total installed capacity of 6,500 kilowatts, with an expected annual electricity generation of 6.5 million kilowatt-hours. It is anticipated to save the company an average of about 20% on electricity costs annually, which is equivalent to saving approximately 2,340 tons of standard coal each year and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 6,480.6 tons annually. This initiative truly achieves a win-win situation for both economic and ecological benefits. Photo/ VCG

Editor:Li Yuanyuan Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-04-03 19:44:00

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