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Photo List Small parks in Jiangxi carry great happiness

Beijing, October 10 (Youth.cn) - On October 9th, 2023, in Ji'an, Jiangxi Province, an aerial view of the picturesque Chaxiang Park in the southern part of Suichuan County was presented.  

In recent years, to improve the city's image and meet the new expectations of the people for a better life, Suichuan County in Jiangxi Province has continued to promote the construction of pocket parks. These parks are conveniently located for residents, providing ideal places for recreation and fitness and expanding their living space. This initiative has made "seeing green outside your window and going to the park when stepping out the door" a part of everyday life, continually enhancing residents' sense of happiness and fulfillment. 

Editor:Li Yuanyuan Source: Youth.cn Time:2023-10-10 10:02:00

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