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Explainer: Why are tourist trains gaining steam in China?

Time:2023-04-28 16:06:00 Source: Xinhua China Youth International


May Day holiday, China's five-day 'Golden Week' holiday, is just around the corner. As millions put their travel plans in motion, many will be hopping on board one of the country's specialist tourist train trips.

What do tourist trains look like? Which routes are popular? Why are they so popular now? Here are some facts and tips for you.

What are tourist trains?

Tourist trains exclusively ply certain scenic travel routes. The whole train is reserved for tour groups, with guides, a medical team, and railway crews on hand to make the trip go smoothly. Tourist trains either head directly to one key destination or travel via several tourist sites along the way.

Original Title:Explainer: Why are tourist trains gaining steam in China?
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