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Views of the Sanmenxia water control project in Central China's Henan

Time:2021-06-22 17:21:00 Source: people.cn China Youth International

  (People's Daily Online) 13:08, June 22, 2021


  The sun bursts through the clouds over the Sanmenxia water control project in Central China's Henan Province on Sunday. Located in the lower middle reaches of the Yellow River, the Sanmenxia water control project has a drainage area of 688,000 square kilometers, accounting for over 90 percent of the total drainage area of the river. (Photos: People's Daily/Shi Jiamin)


  The project started on April 13, 1957, and was completed in 1961. It’s known as the first dam on the Yellow River.


  The dam controls rapid changes in water levels, enabling residents along the Yellow River to enjoy a stable life.

Original Title:Views of the Sanmenxia water control project in Central China's Henan
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