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Photo List Foreigners with their China stories

  In many foreigners’ eyes, China is a wonderland with numerous attractions like Kung Fu, calligraphy, painting, etc. Apart from that, some can't help giving the thumbs-up to China's booming online shopping. When mentioning China, they have their stories to tell.

  The American who wants to be Chinese

  Gao Tianrui receives interview from Xinhuanet in Beijing, Aug. 16, 2017. (Xinhuanet/Wang Zhongyi)

  Wearing his bright red armband and speaking fluent Mandarin, from a distance 62-year-old Gao Tianrui could be taken for any regular Chinese man. But on closer inspection, things are not quite what they seem: Gao's real name is Terry and he is American.

  Having lived in Beijing for more than 20 years, Terry Crossman has finally fulfilled his Chinese dream: becoming a public security volunteer. Life as a Xicheng Dama (elderly woman of Xicheng) has even made him an online celebrity.Full Story

Editor:Di Source: xinhua Time:2017-09-15 14:10:37


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