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Photo List Floating Museum docked at riverside in Chicago


  Photo taken on Aug. 23, 2017 shows Floating Museum docked at the riverside in Chicago, the United States. Celebrating the River's industrial past, Floating Museum transforms a barge into an aesthetically striking mobile gallery filled with art crates displaying work created by local artists and our collaborators. Floating Museum exists in the continuum of artists examining their relationship to institutions, and responds to the evolution of museums; ranging from the cabinet of curiosities or Wunderkabinett between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, transitioning to the dense accumulations of time-capsule vitrines in nineteenth century museums, and finally to the complete contrast of the highly self-conscious, contemporary art space. The idea and practice of a mobile museum might be traced from the Wunderkabinett to Marcel Duchamp's Boite-en-Valise (Portable Museum) from 1941 in a briefcase. River Assembly responds to history as a way to contemplate the present and speculate on the future of the Chicago River as a space in flux, drawing on its industrial past looking to its future as a valuable urban cultural asset. (Xinhua/Wang Ping)

Editor:Di Source: Xinhua Time:2017-08-25 13:58:02


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