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Photo List Chinese NPO helps autistic patients with diving treatment

  Zheng Senyou smiles and hugs his grandmother after diving treatment in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province, on April 1, 2019. Zheng Senyou, a 16 year-old teenager, was diagnosed autism at the age of four. As an autistic child, he suffers socializing and language impairment. As common medical treatment helped little, Zheng and his family have been seeking options and got to know DFH (Diving for Humanity), a non-profitable organization and the diving treatment. After a period of nine months' treatment, his impairment was alleviated. One day ahead of the World Autism Awareness Day, which falls on April 2 every year, Zheng Senyou came to the Haichang Ocean Park in Qingdao to dive and share his experience. The park will soon be constructed as an autism care center. DFH has helped over 60 autistic patients since it was founded in 2016. (Xinhua/Li Ziheng)

Editor:Di Source: Xinhua Time:2019-04-03 14:29:00


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